
Code is beautiful.

The complexity and brilliance of developers' work sometimes goes unrecognized. Codeology reimagines their code as the art it really is.

Braintree needed to connect with developers (a community that’s notoriously difficult to reach) in a way that conventional advertising just couldn’t. We came up Codeology: a different way bring code to life that also pushes the Braintree brand we’d been working on far beyond its previous limits.

This open-source web app, made possible by Braintree, transforms public Github projects into 3D ASCII creatures, and determines the size, shapes, and colors used based on the coding languages present in each project.

It’s still live over here:

We announced Codeology with a single tweet and it took off with devs around the world (this is the obligatory case study).

It garnered a bunch of media coverage and even made the front page of reddit.

